I ran across this video on youtube and thought I'd give it a try:
I did several things differently though.
1. I wrapped my wreath form (which I got at the dollar store) in book pages. I figured I had plenty and if I didn't quite get the wreath covered in roses, then it wouldn't show.
2. The instructions tell you to make the roses using 3 book pages that are stacked together. I made different kinds of roses (I wanted smaller blossoms). I made some only using one page, some with 2 pages and some with 3 pages stacked.
3. I used regular scissors and fancy edge scissors for some of the cutting when I made the spiral cuts to give it different looks.
4. I used 2 different red ink pads and one silver ink pad to give some of the pages color before I cut the pages into spirals.
5. I used a very thin knitting needle (a skewer would work also) to start the wrapping process. It was just easier for me. I also put a little bit of glue on the paper when I began the spiral so that it stayed in place better. Just be sure you don't glue the paper to your knitting needle.
6. I used 2 different sized pearl beads also.
Here's a close-up:
I also made a small ornament doing the same technique. I just used smaller pieces of paper and I covered a styrofoam ball.
I was having so much fun with the book pages I decided to see what else I could make with them. But I also decided that ink was too expensive for this kind of project, so I decided to use watercolors instead. It went further and didn't cost nearly as much to paint the pages first and let them dry, then cut them or fold them into the shapes I wanted.
First I followed these directions: http://knittygrittythoughts.typepad.com/knitty_gritty_thoughts/2009/11/my-entry.html
but used book pages and hot glue to make this:
It really looks like an artichoke. I wanted to make one that was more of a pinecone shape so I had some plastic Easter eggs, used the watercolored paper and came up with this:
And for giggles here's an ornament I made using one of the watercolored pages beads and embroider floss:
I can't remember where I found the instructions for this one, but it was easy to make.
I was doing all this when I was supposed to be putting the finishing touches on my Christmas gifts I was making. Hey it was productive procrastination, LOL.
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