Most of these bags are made from 3 different fabrics but some are made from only 2 different fabrics. I almost always line my bags so that you can't see through the fabric to the present inside.
This first one is my own pattern:
Open - this is made from 3 different fabrics, has drawstring ribbon and jingle bells
Closed - I love the way this one turned out. I only have one complaint, the gap in the top is too big when you have the bag pulled as closed as the fabric will allow. I need to tweak the pattern a bit, but you can't tell and I always put out presents on Christmas eve anyway, so there won't be any peaking.
My pattern, I used three different fabrics:
Closed and tied
The next 2 were made from the pattern/directions from a book called "Omiyage" by Kimiko Sudo. The pattern is called Candy Twist (ironically enough) The bags turned out pretty small and they took 4-5 times longer to make than I usually spend on a gift bag but I think the results were worth it. I had to tweak the pattern just a little to suit my taste after making the first one, but it was no big deal.
Here they are open and flat.
And here they are drawn up. When they are drawn up they look like Christmas ornaments.
Here is a close up:
Here are the last 2. The bag on the left was made from left over fabric with no pattern at all. I just didn't want to waste the fabric so I made a small bag. The bag on the right is from the same book from above but this pattern is called Chrysanthemum. Its very small and would only really work for jewelry.
Here is the Chrysanthemum bag opened:
Here is the bottom of the Chrysanthemum bag:
Hopefully I'll have more bags to show you in the near future. I know I won't be making my New Years resolution but I'll try to atleast make a few more. I'm thinking of increasing the size of the candy twist bag. Plus I just need to make some more bigger bags.
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