This part wasnt't really part of the apothocary, but I had to share it anyway.
I found these signs at Hobby lobby and Michaels:
And here are my jars, ingredients and the staging of them:
Here is the picture of a jar with Bezoar stones, magic pied pipers flute, dried potion ingredients, poison dart frogs, spider venom, etc.:
Dehydrated Maggots, Ogre Fungus and more:
Ogre Fungus this is actually tree moss that I found on the ground after the hurricane:
Dehydrated Maggots:
Love potion, preserved eyes in goo, miniature snakes:
Love Potion
Miniature Snakes
Mermaid's Tears
Elemental spiders, Baby Rats, Black Ants and Flies, Beetles, etc.
Whole Baby Rats
Elemental Spiders
Doxy Eggs and Centipeds
Grave Dirt:
Live Giant Maggots (white fishing lures with the tails cut off) and purple water worms (purple fishing lures in blue shampoo):
Eeeewwww, fecal worms!!!!
Snake Venom with snake, I found this bottle on clearance at Pier One and put a cheap plastic snake in it with shampoo:
Unicorn horn (made from Crayola air dried clay) and pixie fairy dust (glitter)
Cursed pirates treasure
Demons horns, cursed tresure, pheonix feathers, enchanted necklace:
Miniature cauldrons
Werewolf pelts
Pheonix feathers:
Pixie Skeletons
Dragons' Tears
Blood Worms
Ogre's Blood with Pixie Dust
One of the coolest things I've ever seen :D
Thanks I had a lot of fun making it all.
Wow!! Can you come and do one in my house?? I love it, such clever work!!
*snicker* They were VERY easy to make, just a bit time consuming coming up with ingredients, wording labels and collecting jars.
How did you make the labels? Did you have a template?
I used MS word to make the labels. I just found some borders that I liked, played around with the size and the wording, then printed several on a page. It was pretty easy. If you do a print preview before you print, you get an idea of how big the label will be. You can also look at the rulers along the top and sides to get an idea as well.
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