Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bendy Mummies Attack

I created these mummies using the basic bendy wrapping directions found in Salley Mavor's book "Felt Wee Folk" pg 27, 2 1/2 inch doll body. I used baby yarn to wrap the bodies instead of embroidery floss to give it that gauze wrapped look. After I wrapped the correctly, I went back and wrapped them a few more times to give it that look of the bandages coming loose and falling off.

For my original prototype, I wrapped the head completely too. I decided I didn't like it as much. Here's a pic:

Instead I decided to paint the beads white then do just a little wrapping on them. Then I just added to black dots for eyes.

Eek its a mummy attack:

Bendy Mummies

I made this horde of mummies for Colin's school, as gifts for the kids for Halloween. We didn't send any candy up to school.

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